Yurika Mihara
A native of Ishikawa, Japan, pianist Yurika Mihara has won numerous awards and competitions including the PTNA Piano Competition Bronze Award, the TIAA All Japan Classic Music Concert Special Jury Award, Oikawa Classical Music Agency Audition Excellence Award, Japanese Classical Music Competition finalist, JPTA Piano Audition finalist, Vivo International Music Competition Third Prize and Best Performer Award, and First Prize at both the International Concerto Competition and Music Talent Competition as well as taking First Prize at New York Concerto Competition Shining Start Division.
Representing Japan, Ms. Mihara appeared as a soloist with the Targu Mures State Philharmonic Orchestra, Romania performing Chopin’s Piano Concerto No.2 for its Tsunami relief charity concert. Michael Sherwin of the The Epoch Times wrote of her New York Concerto Sinfonietta performance of the Chopin #2, “…she effortlessly spun off decorative keyboard figurations in the true bel canto spirit.”
2016, She performed the Piano Concerto with Dinu Lipatti Philharmonic Orchestra, at Filarmonica Dinu Lipatti in Satu Mare, Romania.
Her Sheva Collection (Italy) debut CD of music by Chopin and Scriabin was released on February 15th, 2016.
Also same year summer english college, she was invited to perform in the education program concert supported by the Chinese government at the Poly Theater in Shenzhen, China and had a debut CD released tour in Japan.
2017 September, she is invited to perform as a soloist with Dinu Lipatti Philharmonic Orchestra at the Annual Concert in Romania.
Ms. Mihara has performed in masterclasses with Arie Vardi, Karl-Heinz Kämmerling, Constance Keene, Edward Auer, Alexander Kobrin, Ruth Slenczynska and Mikhail Voskresensky among others.
She received a bachelor’s, master’s and Professional Study Diploma at Mannes College the New School for Music. In addition, she attended The Fryderyk Chopin University of Music under the instruction of Piotr Paleczny and Regina Smendzianka.
Her teachers and coaches include Jerome Rose, Yoriko Takahashi; piano, Todd Philips and Glenn Morton; chamber music, as well as studying harpsichord with Arthur Haas.
Yurika Mihara has graced the stages of Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center’s Bruno Walter Auditorium, New York Steinway Hall, Suntory Hall – Japan and Targu Mures Cultural Palace, Romania.
In addition to her solo works, she is an active chamber musician as well as a collaborative pianist.
Currently, she is a staff pianist at The Juilliard School and Mannes College The New School for Music.

三原 有利加
2012年、ニューヨークコンチェルトコンペティション シャイニングスター部門にて優勝しニューヨークコンチェルトシンフォニエッタとショパンピアノコンチェルト第2番ヘ短調Op.21を演奏し、The Epoch Times紙から好評を得る。
2016年、ルーマニア国立ディヌ リパッティ交響楽団とサツマーレ市フィルハーモニーホール(交響楽団本拠地)にてピアノコンチェルト演奏、
2月15日、イタリア、Sheva Collectionより、ピアノソロCD”ショパン スクリャービン ピアノミュージック“をリリース。
7月には、中国の深センにあるPoly シアターにて、中国政府サポートの教育プログラムコンサートに招かれ、中国デビューを果たす。ローカル紙より好評を得る。
2017年、ルーマニア国立ディヌ リパッティ交響楽団の定期演奏会に招かれ、プーランクの二台ピアノコンチェルトを演奏。
ピアノを高橋従子、ジェローム・ローズ各氏に、室内楽をトッド・フィリップス、ダイアナ・ウォッシュ等に師事。チェンバロをアルター・ハース氏、伴奏法をトーマス·バグウェル、グレン·モートン等に師事。アリエ・ヴァルディ、ピオトル・パレチニ、アレクサンダー・コブリン、エドワード・アウアー、ルース・スレンチェンスカ, コンスタンス・キーンなどのマスタークラスを受講。また、ワルシャワショパンアカデミーにて、ピオトル・パレチニ、レギナ・スメンジャンカのもと、ディプロマを習得。
ニューヨークのカーネギーホール、Steinway Hall、リンカンセンター、NY日本大使館、中国のPoly シアター、ルーマニアのトゥルグムレシュ文化宮殿などのホールにて、日本国内外でも幅広く演奏活動中。
Office Tsuchiya
Yurika Mihara office